SPD4459 Sham Shui Po's Foodie 為食港女勇闖深水埗


有時餓住個肚訓唔著個種感覺有幾慘 我相信好多人都試過
三更半夜肚餓點算好 ? 
I belive that many of you understand the feeling of starving and that makes you can't sleep.
However, what can you do when it is at mid-night?
"Sun Heung Yuen" in Sham Shui Po can help!!!!

新香園又名堅記 , 係深水埗區內出名既茶餐廳之一 , 仲係Openrice過百好評既食肆之一

但係深水埗一帶品流比較複雜 , 店舖既位置亦唔算旺 , 所以唔係好多旅客會或者識摸上門 
"Sun Heung Yuen" is also named as "Kin Kee", is one of the well-known Hong Kong style restaurant in Sham Shui Po district and it is also one of the "Over a Hundred Likes" award winner on Openice (a popular food & restaurant guide website).Sham Shui Po is regarded as a place with people of all kinds and the location of Sun Heung Yuen is not very easy to find, so many visitors will not or actually don't know how to go there even if they want to.

你話啦 身為香港人既我地  "為食港女團" 又點會放過呢個覓食既好機會呢?
As Hong Kong citizens, we, " Gluttonous Kong Girl Group", will never miss the opportunity to have good food.

中午去到坐無虛席, 我地一行七人唯有嗌外賣企係門口食啦 :)
難得黎到當然要試下佢個 傳奇蛋牛治
When we arrived in the afternnon, Sun Heung Yuen was already very crowded, so we decided to order take-away. 


:「蛋牛治呀 凍咖啡 唔該!
:「...」 再睇下啲食客 個個都烘 即係好味啲啦
Waitress: "What do you want to have?"
Me: " Beef and Egg Sandwich & Iced Coffee, Please!"
Waitress: "Do you want it toasted?"
Me: " Um....." I looked around and see everyone made their sandwich toasted,so....
Me: "Yes!"

即叫即整蛋牛治, 承惠$17大元烘底再加$1
凍咖啡$13 多謝哂!
Around five minutes later, our order was ready!!!
Beef and Egg Sandwich-HKD$17+$1 (toasted)=HKD$18
Iced Coffee-HKD$13

可能你會話:「Cher~咪又係蛋牛治 有咩咁特別喎?

一啖咬落份熱辣辣既蛋牛治, 外脆內軟, 用既係新鮮牛肉,唔會好似其他餐廳咁將貸就價, 用梳打粉醃到冇哂味, 最出色既係中間保留住小小蛋汁, 因為大家都好怕啲蛋炒到乾哂@@


Maybe you will say, what makes it so popular? Aren't this normal ?
When you have the first bite, I belive that you will definitely change your mind.
It is crispy outside, soft and juicy inside, Sun Heung Yuen makes it with fresh beef and the fried egg is not dry, unlike other HK style restaurants.
However, the iced coffee is not special and we all think that it is a bit too sweet.

一間外表平凡既茶餐廳, 用平民既價錢, 食到呢個質素,只能說 "超值"!!!!
也許新香園沒有休閒舒適的環境 , 但它有的是濃濃的香港味道

We can never judge the food of a restaurant just based on its environment or location, a normal restaurant like Sun Heung Yuen in Sham Shui Po, you can enjoy such a good quality sandwich with that reasonable price.
 It's really good value for money.

環境 (Environment)««
食物 (Food)««««
服務 (Services)««
清潔 (Cleanliness)««
價錢 (Price)««««

新香園 (堅記)
Address: G/F, 38 Kweilin Street, Sham Shui Po 
Contact: (852)2386 2748
營業時間: 24小時

 More from Instagram users: ( Hashtag #新香園)
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Edited by Fiona Lam
-Written by students from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Disclaimer: Please note that information shown here are for reference and academic purposes only.


9 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. 新香園嘅蛋牛治真係份量十足,味道亦都係我食過最好味嘅,食落去熱熱地再加D肉汁同蛋汁係你個口到溶化只能話真係好好味,其他地方真係食唔到,加上新香園嘅營業時間係24小時,渣車嘅朋友夜晚又肚餓想搵個地方醫肚呢個絕對係一個唔錯嘅地方泥。

  2. 其實佢地個檸啡都好好飲架��

  3. 好鍾意呢d咁有懷舊氣氛既餐廳呀!!!

    得閒都去我地blog 參觀下睇下有咩荃灣好介紹呀=)

    1. Actually there are lots of old restaurant in Sham Shui Po and we will visit them all!! Thanks for ur sharing :D

  4. 去完深水埗,就順便去埋油尖旺啦!!我地個blog有介紹油尖旺區有咩甜品好食架!!快啲入黎睇下啦:):)

    1. Sure, SPD4459's gals will explore other districts after we visited all the restaurants in Sham Shui Po ^^

  5. 隨左食蛋牛治之外可以試下叫碗南乳豬手面都係招牌之一泥,豬手夠曬入味又淋.

    1. Thanks for your recommendations!!
      SPD4459's foodie gals will try it later ^o^
